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仮の本堂 (Makeshift Temple)すりきれた妊婦マークと避難当時の我が子 (Worn-Out Maternity Sticker and Ultrasound of My Child when we Evacuated)避難所の夜 (Night at the Evacuation Center)命をつないだ食パン (The Bread That Kept Us Alive)ネコの孤独 (Cat’s Solitude)満室御礼 (“No Vacancy - Thank You For Your Business!”)富岡町災対本部  2013年1月 (Tomioka Disaster Response Headquarters, January 2013)ふるさとは今… (Far From Home)子どもは成長する  住宅を奪わないで (Children are Growing Up — Don’t Take Away Their Homes)保育園の修了式の日のまま (A Preschool’s Commencement Ceremony Left Unfinished)かたよった食事 (Unbalanced Diet)放射能から離れて  のびのびと遊ぶ子どもたち (Breaking Free of Radiation - Carefree Kids at Play)実家周辺の住環境 (Around My Childhood Home)初めて雪とたわむれる (First Time Playing in the Snow)がまんしなくていいんだよ ("You can be a kid again")室内 (Stuck Inside)窓 (Window)