事業概要・About Us
The PhotoVoice Project creates space for women affected by the Great East Japan Disaster to share their experiences and emotions through photographs and “voices" (written messages), and discuss community and societal issues. Through these activities, the project seeks to inform more effective disaster prevention and response and reconstruction approaches.
Currently, the project is operating in seven sites across Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima Prefectures, as well as Tokyo where a large number of evacuees reside. Over 60 women have participated. They take photographs of various aspects of their lives and communities and discuss them in small groups on an ongoing basis. Along the way, they create “voices” that they would like to share with society at large, which are also translated into English and shared with audiences overseas. These photos and “voices” are distributed throughout Japan and abroad via exhibitions and events, the publication of PhotoVoice books, websites, and archives on the disasters. With this wide range of publicity, we not only seek to preserve memory of the disasters, but also ensure that the experiences and insights of women are better incorporated into future disaster prevention and recovery efforts.
© PhotoVoice Project Japan