被災地を生きた長靴 (Rain Boots Used in Disaster-Affected Areas)
がれきがいたるところにあって、水がひかない。長靴は必需品。でも、なかなか手に入らない。br/ 避難所で見つけて手にいれた白い長靴。がれきを踏みしめ、海水をかきわけ、多くの人の足となり被災地をかけまわった。br/ それは海外からの研修生が使っていた水産加工会社の長靴。br/ 感謝br/ br/ span class="small"strongユッピー/strongbr/ 宮城県女川町 2014年11月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ There was debris scattered all over the area, and water from the tsunami wouldnrsquo;t recede.br/ Boots like these were an essential item, but they could not be found easily.br/ I eventually found this white pair at an evacuation shelter.br/ Many people wore these white boots as they trekked through the debris and waded through the water.br/ Trainees from overseas used to wear boots like these at a seafood processing company.br/ Irsquo;m thankful to have these boots now.br/ br/ span class="small"strongYuppi/strongbr/ Photo: Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, November 2014/span