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いつも心の中に (Always in My Heart)

大きな津波によって74人もの大切な命が奪われてしまった宮城県石巻市の小学校。br/ 子どもたちが避難しようとしていた場所にわが子を亡くしたお母さんたちがひまわりを植え、太陽に向かってすくすくと元気に育つひまわりの姿に、それぞれの思いを重ねてつくられた絵本。br/ 何度読み返しても涙が止まらない。br/ 子育てで悩んでいる方にも読んでほしい1冊。br/ きっと、我が子が愛おしく感じるはず。br/br/ span class="small"strongK.S/strongbr/ 宮城県石巻市の本屋 2012年12月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/At an elementary school in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, the precious lives of 74 children were lost in that massive tsunami. br/ Their mothers planted sunflowers up on the hill mdash; where the children were going to evacuate. br/ These sunflowers represent their sentiments towards their lost children, which grow big and strong towards the shining Their stories are captured in this picture matter how many times I read it, it always makes me cry. br/ I recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with raising children. br/ It truly shows just how precious your children are. br/br/ span class="small"strongK.S/strongbr/ Photo: Bookstore in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, December 2012/span
いつも心の中に (Always in My Heart)