助かっていてほしかった… (I wish they were alive...)
消防車に知人を見たような気がして・・・br/ 地震発生後、知人は避難誘導の勤務で被災地に入った。br/ どんなに怖かったことか。br/ 知人は震災から2か月後、br/ 出勤して流された車のさらに2キロ先の田んぼで見つかった。br/ 最後まで命がけでがんばって・・・br/ 本当にお疲れさまでした、と伝えたかった。br/ br/ span class="small"strongchikako/strongbr/ 宮城県仙台市宮城野区中野 2011年4月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ I could have sworn I saw them in that fire truck.br/ After the disaster, they worked on site to help people evacuate.br/ Who knows what kinds of terrifying things they saw.br/ Two months later, their body was found washed up in a rice field, two kilometers farther than where their vehicle was carried.br/ They risked their life to save others until the very end.br/ I wish I could have told them how grateful I was.br/ br/ span class="small"strongchikako/strongbr/ Photo: Field in Miyagino District, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, April 2011/span