ふるさとはこんなにも美しく輝いていた (My Hometown Used to Shine with Such Beauty)
何気ない日常の中の我が家の風景。br/ 除染が終わっても、子どもとともにそこで暮らすことは無い。br/ 一人残された姑が丹誠込めてつくった花を日常的にも見ることは無い。br/ 当たり前にあった日常を、当たり前に自然の中で子育てをしながら暮らす日常になるにはどのくらいかかるのだろうか?br/ 孫の世代なのか?それとももっと先の世代になるのか?br/ 放射能の影響は計り知れない。br/ br/ span class="small"strongEMI/strongbr/ 福島県田村市自宅 2014年秋 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ Scenes from just another day at our home.br/ The decontamination has been ldquo;completedrdquo;, but we canrsquo;t even live there with our children.br/ We can no longer admire the flowers grown with such loving care by my mother-in-law, who was left behind.br/ We took it for granted that we could raise our children in nature mdash; how many generations will it be before we get those days back?br/ My grandchildrenrsquo;s generation? Or will it be even longer?br/ The effects of radiation are immeasurable.br/ br/ span class="small"strongEMI/strongbr/ Photo: My house in Tamura City, Fukushima Prefecture, Fall 2014/spanbr/ span class="small"Translatorrsquo;s Note: The banner reads ldquo;Decontamination in Progress.rdquo;/span