医療費の一部負担金免除も終わる (The Copay Exemption Benefits are Ending)
もう2年です。私は震災の日が誕生日でした。br/ 気を張っていた時期が過ぎ、グッと気力が落ち心身不調の被災者がbr/ 増えています。でも宮城県の医療費免除は、おしまいなんです。br/ 隣県は継続ですが・・宮城は終わります。br/ span class="small"仙台のYbr/ 宮城県仙台市 2013年3月29日 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ Itrsquo;s been 2 yearshellip;. The day the earthquake struck was also my birthday.br/ We have managed to hang on, but we could only keep it up for so long. More and more people are suffering from mental and physical difficulties after the disaster, but soon Miyagi Prefecture will stop covering the copay of their medical expenses.br/ Neighboring prefectures will continue to provide these benefits... but not Miyagi.br/ br/ span class="small"strongY in Sendai /strongbr/ Photo: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, March 2013/span