寸断された鉄橋 (Railroad Bridge in Pieces)
JRの宮古―釜石の鉄路は、未だに手つかず。br/ 特に高校通学に不便さをもたらしている。br/ 進路選択に交通の便が影響しないように、復興に力を注いでほしい。br/ br/ span class="small"strong良子/strongbr/ 岩手県宮古市宮古橋 2013年11月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ The railroad between Miyako and Kamaishi is still completely untouched. It makes it especially difficult to commute to high school. I wish theyrsquo;d put more effort into it, so that the inconvenience of the commute doesnrsquo;t influence studentsrsquo; choices after graduation.br/ br/ span class="small"strongRyoko/strongbr/ Photo: Miyako Bridge, Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture, November 2013/span