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新しくできた、どこまでも続く道路 (The New Road that Stretches On and On)

堤防の手前にはあのときのまま、取り残された道。br/ 手前はすっかりきれいな道路になっていた。br/ 広く、美しく整備された道路が続く。br/ 堤防の向こうには白浜と松林があったのに、何もない今。br/ 子どもたちが行き来できるところではなくなってしまった。br/ br/ span class="small"strongフリージア/strongbr/ 宮城県亘理町鳥の海2019年6月 撮影/spanbr/ br/ _______________________________br/ br/In front of the embankment is a road that has been deserted ever since that A beautiful new road has been built right next to it. br/ An immaculate, wide road that stretches on and Beyond the embankment were pine trees and a white-sand beach, but now there is Itrsquo;s no longer a place where children can come to span class="small"strongFresia/strongbr/ Photo: Lake Torinoumi, Watari Town, Miyagi Prefecture, June 2019/span
新しくできた、どこまでも続く道路 (The New Road that Stretches On and On)