大自然の脅威 (The Terrible Power of Nature)
子どもの頃、海水浴や海藻取りで遊んだ、いわば私たちにとってのホームグランドです。br/ 津波で歩道橋が落ちてしまいました。自然は科学よりも強い!br/ br/ span class="small"strong山口/strongbr/ 岩手県宮古市鍬ヶ崎蛸の浜(くわがさき たこのはま)/spanbr/ span class="small"2012年1月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ When I was a kid, we used to swim and gather seaweed here. You might say it was our playground.br/ The pedestrian bridge was knocked down by the tsunami.br/ Nature is stronger than science, after all!br/ br/ span class="small"strongYamaguchi/strongbr/ Photo: Kuwagasaki Takonohama, Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture, January 2012/span