電源立地促進対策交付金施設 (Support with Strings Attached - Power Plants and Subsidies)
交付金によってホテルのように立派な中学校校舎が建てられた。br/ しかし福島原発のメルトダウンによって休校。br/ 生徒たちはこの地を離れるか自宅退避となった。br/ 生徒たちの家族と地域の将来像が揺らぎ、地元の高校が外に移り交通網も分断された。br/ そのなかでこの年の中学三年生は進路先を決めねばならなかった。br/ 大切な一歩は、親も本人も教師も、大きな惑乱のなかで決めねばならなかったのである。br/ その後、授業が再開された中学校に立って、あの時に続く今を思った 。br/ 圧倒的な勢いに流されざるをえなかった私たちは・今・やらなければbr/ ならないことを、つかんだのではなかったか?br/ 政策はそれを後押しするはずではなかったのか?br/ br/ span class="small"strongよしみ /strongbr/ 福島県南相馬市 2011年10月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ This middle school was built with government subsidies and looked almost as nice as a hotel.br/ However, the school was closed due to the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. The students had to either evacuate the area or remain in their homes.br/ The local high school was relocated, and the transportation network broke down as well.br/ The future that these families envisioned for their community was now uncertain.br/ Meanwhile, the middle school seniors had to figure out their next steps after graduation.br/ It was among all this turmoil that the parents, students, and teachers had to make such important decisions.br/ Years later, standing in the middle school where classes have since resumed, I reflect on the present and how we got here.br/ After being swept away by this overwhelming current of events, did we not realize back then what we had to do? Shouldnrsquo;t the government have supported us?br/ br/ span class="small"strongYoshimi/strongbr/ Photo: Minamisōma City, Fukushima Prefecture, October 2011/spanbr/ span class="small"Translatorrsquo;s Note: Second photo reads, ldquo;Est. 1994. Built with government subsidies, tied with securing land for power plantsrdquo; Haramachi Cityrdquo;/span