希望の牧場-声なき抵抗 (The Ranch of Hope - Silent Resistance)
放射能を浴びた牛の全頭屠殺命令に抗して牛を飼い続けている牧場。br/ この地区の放射線量は高く 更に飼料として各地から送られてくるのは放射能をあびた稲わらや草。br/ この牛たちは放射能まみれだ。br/ よその地区の飼い主からも牛が連れられてくる。br/ 人間の罪と愚かさの象徴のような牛たちとそれを見つめ続けようとする人間の意志。br/ br/ span class="small"strongよしみ/strongbr/ 福島県浪江町 2013年11月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ In defiance of orders to slaughter all cattle exposed to radiation, this ranch continues to raise them.br/ The radiation levels are high in this area.br/ Even the donated straw and grass that the cows eat were exposed to radiation.br/ Inside and out, these cows are drenched in radiation.br/ Ranchers from other regions also send their cows here.br/ These cows symbolize the sinfulness and foolishness of humans. These ranchers bear witness to them.br/ br/ span class="small"strongYoshimi/strongbr/ Photo: Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture, November 2013/span