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決意 (Resolve)防護服を着て、一時帰宅のバスを待つ (Suited Up for a Temporary Visit Home)道路わきの危険物 (Hazardous Materials on the Roadside)飼い主を捜しています―福島の犬たち (“Have you seen our owners?” — The Dogs of Fukushima)希望の牧場-声なき抵抗 (The Ranch of Hope - Silent Resistance)5年前と同じ風景 (The Same as Five Years Ago)くらしの場にある除染廃棄物の袋 (Radioactive Waste Next Door)住宅敷地内の放射性廃棄物 (The Radioactive Waste on Everyone’s Property)通っていた保育園 (This Used to Be My Son's Playground)幼稚園の砂場は?(Where is the Kindergarten’s Sandbox?)防災センターまで津波の被害 (Disaster Prevention Center, Destroyed in Tsunami)家の庭先に埋められていた放射性廃棄物 (Radioactive Waste Buried in Our Yards)モニタリングポストは必要 (Monitoring Posts are Necessary)美しい緑の中に放射能の危険 (Radioactive Danger Lurking in Beautiful Greenery)個人被ばく線量計 (Personal Radiation Dosimeter)子どもたちの遊び場に (Where the Kids Play)母子 (Mother and Child)無残な実り (Wasted Harvest)