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決意 (Resolve)

strong3月/strongbr/ 地震及び原発事故発生。週末は子どもを連れて福島県外に出ることにする。br/ br/ strong4月/strongbr/ Fukushimaが国際原子力事故評価尺度(INES)の「レベル7」に引上げられる。br/ 海外での大げさな扱いにあきれながら、念のため県外へ一時避難する。br/ br/ strong6月/strongbr/ 原発事故は収拾のめどがたたない。レベル7の適正さが明らかになるにつれ、br/ 一時避難を長期避難に切り替えることを考え始める。br/ 「(福島から避難先に)転校するのは嫌だ!」と泣く子どもと深夜まで話し合う。br/ br/ strong7月/strongbr/ 転校の日、「僕は将来放射能を消す発明をして、福島県をキレイにする」br/ 涙をこらえて決意する子どもの姿を写真におさめる。br/ br/ span class="small"strongありす/strongbr/ 福島県郡山市 2011年7月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/ emMarch/em:br/ The earthquake triggered the nuclear power plant accident. We decided to take our son and leave Fukushima on br/ emApril/em:br/ [The nuclear accident in] Fukushima was raised to a level 7 on the INES (International Nuclear Event Scale). The foreign news coverage seemed absurd and overblown, but we decided to temporarily evacuate just in br/ emJune/em:br/ There was no prospect of controlling the aftermath of the nuclear power plant accident. Once we realized that the INES level 7 rating was appropriate, we began to consider a long term evacuation as opposed to a temporary When we discussed evacuating from Fukushima with our son, he sobbed, ldquo;I donrsquo;t wanna transfer schools!rdquo; We continued to talk late into the br/ emJuly/em:br/ On his last day at his old school, I captured this moment as my son made a resolution. Fighting back tears, he said, ldquo;Someday I will invent something that will get rid of the radioactive contamination and make Fukushima clean.rdquo;br/ br/ span class="small"strongAlice/strongbr/ Photo: Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, July 2011/span
決意 (Resolve)