住宅敷地内の放射性廃棄物 (The Radioactive Waste on Everyone’s Property)
中間貯蔵施設、最終処分場が決まらず、各家庭の廃棄物は庭先に積まれたまま5年が経過。br/ 廃棄物の詰まった袋がコンクリートの容器からはみだしている。中には袋から草が生えている場合もある。こんな状態がいったいいつまで?br/ br/ span class="small"strong山桜/strongbr/ 福島県郡山市内 2016年7月 撮影/spanbr/ _______________________________br/ br/Since they couldnrsquo;t decide where to build a temporary storage facility or permanent disposal site, the radioactive waste was piled up in everyonersquo;s yard and has been sitting there for five years.br/ This concrete container is overflowing with bags filled with radioactive waste. Some bags even have grass growing up out of them.br/ Just how much longer will we have to deal with this?br/br/ span class="small"strongYamazakura/strongbr/ Photo: Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, July 2016/span